Introducing the Spring Bash Bucks

This past Jingle Bash, we introduced the Bash Bucks - they're like gift certificates redeemable at any artist booth at the Bash event. We were so happy with 'em we're bringing them back for our 2nd Annual Spring Bash, May 1st at South Side on Lamar.

The only way to get Bash Bucks is to win one of our TWO upcoming blog contests or TWO upcoming twitter contests. That's right, you'll have FOUR chances to win! The first pair of contests will take place April 15th - 19th and the second pair will take place April 23rd - 28th. At the beginning of the contest, we'll post the rules and directions for entry here on the blog and then there will be NO limit to your number of entries. Winners will be picked completely at random at the end of each contest.

So what's up with the Bucks, you ask? You can use them to buy anything your little heart desires from participating artists at the Spring Bash (unless your little heart desires booze, which will be provided by Absinth Lounge but won't be available for Bash Bucks but real cash instead).

Seriously, they're kind of awesome. But don't take our word for it - read what one of the Jingle Bash Buck winners had to say:

I bought many things at the Jingle Bash (which was amazing, by the way), but specifically put my Bash Bucks toward a precious reversible pinafore for my 2-year-old niece from Three Yellow Starfish. Margaret [of Three Yellow Starfish] was so nice and she had so many beautiful fabrics to choose from.

The Bash Bucks were a great help at the Jingle Bash, since I put a sizable dent in my pocketbook buying gifts for friends, loved ones, and myself of course! Best of all, that money was going to local artists and designers - and that's the BEST gift of all. Thanks Etsy Dallas!

-Amanda, winner of Bash Bucks and Author of Keeping Dallas Weird
So get your retweet button finger warmed up - it's almost time!