Where it's Made - Dowdy Studio

Dylan and Pamela of Dowdy Studio's Warehouse Studio

Where is your creative studio space?
Our studio is in East Dallas in a warehouse strip behind Good 2 Go Taco and Goodfriend Beergarden off Garland and Peavy Road. We moved into this studio space December of this year, after kicking Dowdy Studio out of our guest bedroom and red 2 car garage, and our mobile shop, the Dowdy Studio Wagon, out of our backyard. 

What do you make there?
Dylan screenprints our tees, hoodies, messenger bags, wood clocks, coasters and anything else he can get his hands on. I (Pamela) work on my jewelry designs, sew and design fun pillows and help Dylan. When we aren't making things we both park out butts at our giant 1970s drafting table dreaming up new designs while we brew coffee in the back. 

What is your favorite item in your creative space?
When we first moved in, we were given a stack of pallets from a hardware store. A couple of them we made into small tables, but the one we love the most we hand-painted our logo on, stained it, then hung it with heavy duty chain from the ceiling rafters. All the beat up recycled wood turned different colors once we sealed it, so it looks pretty sweet and rugged. 

Favorite Halloween candy?
Pamela - I hoard and hide peanut butter cups from Dylan, so I can eat them later. 
Dylan - Every candy, but especially white chocolate Kit Kat bars.