Meet the 2018 Etsy Dallas team

Etsy Dallas is a local craft collective run by a juried group of crafters, artists and designers in Dallas who sell their wares on Etsy. (No, we aren't the same as Etsy. We have the blessing of Etsy as the official team for the Dallas metroplex.) We are an all-volunteer group who are serious about our handmade businesses and the success of this team and its endeavors.

Etsy Dallas began in 2007 and was the first city team in Texas. Since the founding, our members have been invested in the Dallas community, working with Etsy Dallas to benefit different aspects of the creative community and culture that makes this a great city. The team is run by a group of volunteers known as the Leadership Team.

Sabrina and Jenny, Co-Presidents of Etsy Dallas, run The Pig and the Peacock

Sabrina and Jenny, Co-Presidents of Etsy Dallas, run The Pig and the Peacock

SaRatta, Vice President of Etsy Dallas, runs Expressions Bracelets

SaRatta, Vice President of Etsy Dallas, runs Expressions Bracelets

Molly, Secretary for Etsy Dallas, runs Tokodots

Molly, Secretary for Etsy Dallas, runs Tokodots

Alexis, Community Director for Etsy Dallas, runs Whipped Up Wonderful

Alexis, Community Director for Etsy Dallas, runs Whipped Up Wonderful

Rori, Social Media Director for Etsy Dallas, runs MadeByRori

Rori, Social Media Director for Etsy Dallas, runs MadeByRori

Lesia, Graphics Queen of Etsy Dallas, runs SurlyBunny

Lesia, Graphics Queen of Etsy Dallas, runs SurlyBunny

The mission of Etsy Dallas is to promote the handmade movement in the Greater Dallas area and beyond. You can browse all our member artists for some of the best handmade wares around. 

We hope to see y'all at our events this year. We had a great start to the year with our Love Letters Challenge. And there is much more to come! You can sign up for our newsletter to be sure you don't miss anything.