fiber arts

Sponsor Spotlight: DFW Fiber Fest

Not only will DFW Fiber Fest be organizing a make-and-take craft project the day of The Jingle Bash, but they are also a sponsor of this year's bash. We are happy to have them join us since we're both all-volunteer led organizations focused on promoting handmade artists.

Since the spring of 2006, DFW Fiber Fest has produced an annual show to support the knitting, crochet, and spinning craft community in North Texas. Their aim is twofold: to provide an educational venue (think lots of awesome classes!) and a well-curated vendor hall (think lots of pretty yarns and fibers to pet and purchase!) for fiber enthusiasts of all skill levels.

The 2014 lineup of instructors is phenomenal. National headlining artists such as Stephanie Pearl-McPhee and Patty Lyons and special local and regional teachers will make the weekend of March 28-30th full of fiber and fun. Classes start around $30 and you can also buy weekend passes. Each class is marked for skill level so from beginner to expert, you're sure to learn something whether you're just starting out or if you'd like to learn an exquisite new technique.

Stop by their website to learn how you can register for classes and also pop by and say hello this Saturday. DFW Fiber Fest Make-and-Take and Information table will be in Walker's Workshop, the indoor boutique space at The Shops at Park Lane.