oscar health insurance

Sponsor Spotlight: Oscar Health Insurance

We are delighted to introduce you to 2015 Jingle Bash sponsor, Oscar Health Insurance. They have an exciting new way to think about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, accessing health care, and health insurance. Friends meet Oscar...

Howdy, we’re Oscar. Smart, simple health insurance for Texas.

Oscar insures people who don’t get insurance from their job or through Medicaid and Medicare. Our members come from all walks of life—young, old, healthy, or sick—and receive great care and earn rewards for staying active.

Oscar’s experience is like having a doctor in the family. We’re using technology to simplify the entire health insurance experience. You can use our app to talk to a doctor and get prescriptions without ever leaving home. Keep track of your health history with a timeline and earn rewards for staying active with a free Misfit step tracker.

Join the Oscar family, and find your perfect plan at HiOscar.com.

Now that we have made the introductions, we hope you will connect more with Oscar. 
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