pamplemousse 1983

Pop-up Shop at Pouf

Our long-time Team Etsy Dallas fans will remember distinguished alumna, Maryam, the creative force behind the lifestyle blog and shop Pamplemousse1983. She’s recently put her blog on hiatus, and closed her cutie pie Etsy shop some time ago, but she hasn’t been sitting idle, that’s for sure.

Together with her business partner Nas, Maryam opened Pouf at the end of April. Pouf is Mockingbird Station’s best blowout spot—and I daresay the best in Dallas. This jewel box blowout salon is so luscious it makes you want to move right in or at least schedule a weekly appointment. It’s luxurious, stylish, and locally owned: three of our favorite words here at Etsy Dallas.

So when Maryam contacted us about hosting a Pop-up Shop at Pouf, we said yes so fast our perfectly-coiffed tresses shook. (Okay, when she called, our tresses were not perfectly coiffed, but they will be when you see us next because we booked an appointment ASAP.)

On Saturday, August 17, 2013, from 3-7pm, Pouf and Etsy Dallas are hosting a Pop-Up Shop featuring five Etsy Dallas artists, carefully curated by Maryam to reflect the vibrancy of her Pouf clients.

Pouf Blowout Salon

We hope you’ll join us on Saturday and pop in for some shopping and maybe some ‘do la la! Check back tomorrow for feature on the five Etsy Dallas artists who'll be joining us on Saturday (K8 Made, The Freckled Chicken, YLK Photography, estieMade, and Silla Soup). 

You'll look fabulous, dahling! 