
Join Us Every Monday for Creativity Camp with Etsy Dallas

Summer has finally come again! The kids are out of school and excited about their relaxed routine, and spending more time with family and friends. To celebrate, we would like to officially invite you all to participate in a weekly project all Summer long! Each Monday, we will post a fun for all ages tutorial to help you put away the screens, learn something new, and make some memories. We can't wait to see your pics, so be sure to share with us on Instagram, @etsydallas #EDCreativityCamp.

To begin, let's get out our paint and brushes, and collect some smooth rocks to make some cutie painted rock family portraits! We found a bag of river rock at At Home, if you can't find some in nature.


First, paint your rocks white so we have a solid base for your colored paints. 


Once they have dried completely, take a sharpie to carefully draw the hairline and chin line. I used semi transparent acrylic paint. Choose or mix colors for your hair, skin, and clothing, and fill in those areas.


Depending on what paint you use, the sharpie may show through, so be conscientious of your lines.  This is a great way to add visual texture to hair and clothing.


Our rocks are starting to look familiar! Use a small brush or paint pens in white to create clothing details. Allow each side to dry before working on the other side.


Use a fine tipped black paint pen, or liner brush and black paint to draw the eyes and mouth. If your family member has glasses or facial hair, paint it on next.  Use the back end of your paint brush to dot on tiny pink dots for the cheeks.


Paint your rocks with a clear sealer, and place them in your front garden to enjoy for years to come.

Thanks for crafting with us! See you next week for another fun project!