studio peek

A peek in the studio (Fuzzy Muffins)

Emily, of Fuzzy Muffins, is ready to take you on a tour of her studio...

When I moved into our current Dallas home, I knew I needed to have a cohesive workspace, which really just meant I needed to put all of the things I use while creating Fuzzy Muffins in one area. I’m a graphic designer by day, so I wanted to integrate my design workspace with my crafting workspace. I quickly learned that involves a lot of shelving and drawers. 

Cue: IKEA. I purchased a dresser/drawer storage system for my piles and piles of fleece, a paper organizer for all my graphic design goodies and plush tagging supplies, and a massive bookshelf to house my design books and other plushie supplies (sewing box, baskets of yarn and baskets of excess fabric). All in all, everything is within reach!

It’s nice to be able to finish up a design project, then just roll my little chair on over to my sewing machine to make a huggable dino. But the main plus? Natural light. The entire office is surrounded by windows, which means I can really tell what color fleece I’m working with. There’s no, “Wait, is this navy or black?” Whew!

In my last “studio” I had a massive desk, which seemed like a great idea at the time, but after a while a realized... too much surface space = a very messy surface space. If anyone out there is looking to redo their office/studio any time soon, my recommendation: get a desk that allows you enough room to work comfortably, but doesn’t allow you to accumulate clutter. In my experience, a cluttered desk leads to a cluttered work process. You don’t want too many distractions when it’s craft show season.

For tiny pieces, like plastic safety eyes or noses, I use magnetic boxes to keep everything separated and organized. This would work great for jewelry makers or anybody else who needs to keep small parts in order.

It may be a small space, but it gets the job done. In the meantime, I’m off to go make some more Fuzzy Muffins! See y’all around.


From Chaos to Creative

It’s time for a peek inside the studio with Liz of Creative Input By Liz.

I get distracted easily, an understatement to be sure.  With my creative endeavors strewn all over 2000+ square feet, two children, three dogs and a husband, my wheels were spinning and I was frustrated ‘cause I couldn’t settle down to work without looking for something or tripping over a mammal from my household.  If I was in the bedroom working, inevitably I would need a thingy in the office on the opposite side of the house.  Then I would forget what the heck I was looking for by the time I arrived in the office.  Ugh.

Enter my friend, neighbor, and fellow jewelry artist, Jean.  I will call her simply, goddess of get-it-done.  She offered to help me make a studio in the garage.  I thought she was crazy.  She is just one of those people who enjoy helping the overwhelmed people do the undoable.  So, when she arrived with her get-it-done crown on and her words were, “There are only two things that should happen in a bedroom.”  I guessed correctly that making jewelry wasn’t one of those two. We got buzzy.

I was already parking my car outside the garage so I could store my curbside “treasures” that I was going to restore/repurpose into wonderful objects of beauty and awe.  Needless to say, the garage was full and no projects were completed. The first step was to create the creative space. Since I already had my big-girl pants on, I loaded up my mom van and gave the treasures to charity.  On the way home, I felt lighter; a van load lighter.  Space created, check.  
The kiln and a work table were already in the garage.  Everything else, everything, was taken from all over the house.  After a solid eight hours, Jean left me with the bones of my new studio and a sense of accomplishment. I wouldn't say all my stuff is arranged, but every day, I organize. Every day I find something I was looking for and/or find two of what I was looking for a month ago. Every day I have a place to go that is mine. 

Part of making the studio a place for designing, is having color, inspiring books, pictures, words, and meaningful tchotchkes around me. 

Walter Soza has a print called "Barcelona, Espana" that would hit the color aspect. I enjoy the way the colors overlap each other.

And, under my inspiring words category I would love to have the print, "Don't put off being creative" by Brandon Griswold of Honeycomb Print Shop. My point is to construct a space that is a reflection of me, for my spirit. Thursday, my mission was to get a TV in the garage so I wouldn’t feel like I was missing my shows, mainly Dallas Stars hockey.  I got a ginormous TV for cheap from CCA and picked up a set-top box.  Mission accomplished. The kids have watched more on the TV than I have, but now I am not missing anything. My studio is perfect for me.

Today, I sit at my desk in my studio typing this post.  I have music on, a dog by my feet, and my coffee cup close.  I am sure this is Heaven for me.  Check back in the summer, I may be singing a different tune.

Where it's Made - Dowdy Studio

Dylan and Pamela of Dowdy Studio's Warehouse Studio

Where is your creative studio space?
Our studio is in East Dallas in a warehouse strip behind Good 2 Go Taco and Goodfriend Beergarden off Garland and Peavy Road. We moved into this studio space December of this year, after kicking Dowdy Studio out of our guest bedroom and red 2 car garage, and our mobile shop, the Dowdy Studio Wagon, out of our backyard. 

What do you make there?
Dylan screenprints our tees, hoodies, messenger bags, wood clocks, coasters and anything else he can get his hands on. I (Pamela) work on my jewelry designs, sew and design fun pillows and help Dylan. When we aren't making things we both park out butts at our giant 1970s drafting table dreaming up new designs while we brew coffee in the back. 

What is your favorite item in your creative space?
When we first moved in, we were given a stack of pallets from a hardware store. A couple of them we made into small tables, but the one we love the most we hand-painted our logo on, stained it, then hung it with heavy duty chain from the ceiling rafters. All the beat up recycled wood turned different colors once we sealed it, so it looks pretty sweet and rugged. 

Favorite Halloween candy?
Pamela - I hoard and hide peanut butter cups from Dylan, so I can eat them later. 
Dylan - Every candy, but especially white chocolate Kit Kat bars. 

Where it's Made - Pamplemousse 1983

Maryam of Pamplemousse1983's Studio Den

Where is your creative studio space?
My studio space is in our den and is shared with our two dogs and the kitchen.

What do you make there?
I am a photographer so I edit photos on the computer but I also make jewelry with some of my photos and use the space for that as well.

What is your favorite item in your creative space?
Probably the chalkboard window I got in Tulsa while vending at Indie Emporium a few weeks ago!

Favorite Halloween candy?
This is tough...I love snickers but the mini reese's are so good too!  I always eat the chocolate first then eat the peanut butter center :)

Where it's Made - ReGEARED

Rachel of ReGEARED's Barn Studio

Where is your creative studio space?
The shop is nestled in pine trees behind our house in Grapevine, Texas.

What do you make there?
We make whatever we dream up out of what we have - which is a lot of retired bicycle parts and reclaimed wood. Art, clocks and furniture.

What is your favorite item in your space?
Ooooh that's hard. But the walnut tumbler that shines up old parts and makes them new is probably my favorite.

Favorite Halloween candy?
Don't lay a finger on my butterfinger!

Where it's Made - Regal Cottage

Regina of Regal Cottage's Home Studio

Where is your creative studio space? 
My creative space is our home office that I have completely hi-jacked! My husband, Aaron, also works from home most days. We used to share this space which was nice until we discovered that the hum of my sewing machine was not good background noise for his phone conferences. So I did what I had to and kicked him out! This is a really great space because it has tons of built-in storage and a nice long tabletop area where I can really spread my work out. 

What do you make there? 
Toys, toys, and more toys!

What is your favorite item in your creative space? 
A small watercolor painting that my Dad painted.

Favorite Halloween candy? 
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups!

Where it's Made - Jenni20 Designs

Jenni of Jenni20 Designs' Creative Space in her Cottage

Here's Jenni in front of her acid green bookshelf she salvaged and painted and dedicates to all her jenni20 designs fabric. (Her own stash lives in a dark closet, but she lets her j20 fabric decorate her studio...colorful fun and so easy to be inspired by.)

Where is your creative studio space?

My studio space is in my little cottage...I make all kinds of messes in that room...and also my jenni20 travel accessories. 

What do you make in your creative studio space?
I paint, sew, quilt, embroider, write, daydream, and read in this space. (My childhood daybed is installed in this room and I spend a lot of time, cross legged on that, staring at fabrics and deciding what to put together next.)

What is your favorite item in your space?
My favorite item in my space is this little poodle pincushion I thrifted...or bought on Etsy....I honestly can't remember. He sits on my pretty vintage desk and doesn't actually get used because I'm kind of klutzy and I don't want to break him when I'm spazzing about by my sewing machine. I'll take a glamour shot of him. You'll see. He's precious.

Favorite Halloween candy?
My favorite Halloween candy is.....Mounds. Oh my, mini coconut dark chocolate pieces of loveliness. Mmmmm. (They're not allowed in the studio.)

Where it's Made - DCimaginations

Chau of DCimagination's Couch Studio

Where is your creative studio space?
My couch in the family room.

What do you make there?
Fun knitted hats and sweaters for dogs

What is your favorite item in your creative space?
My dogs of course! They sit with me and occassionally lend a helping paw.  Just like how they currently are in the photo.

Favorite Halloween candy?
The classic Pop Rocks!

Where it's Made - Christie Cone Ceramics

Christie of Christie Cone Ceramic's Sunroom Studio

Where is your creative studio space?
In a funny little sunroom on the back of my house.

What do you make there?
Ceramics galore.

What is your favorite item in your creative space?
A little marino moss ball in a tiny little tube that my sister gave me.

Favorite Halloween candy?

Reeses pieces. Mmmm.

Where it's Made - mere designs

Meredith of mere design's Office Studio

Where is your creative studio space?
My creative space is the office of my family's house in Richardson, Texas.

What do you make in your creative space?

I cut lots and lots of paper to design colorful mobiles for children's rooms there.

What's your favorite item in your space?
Aside from my partners in crime who are always underfoot (my 12-year-old dog and 1-year-old son), my new favorite item in the space is Lauren Gregg's "Be Excellent to Each Other" print from a pop culture exhibit at Gallery 1988 -- inspired by Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, of course!

Favorite Halloween candy?

My favorite Halloween candy is the Hershey's Special Dark miniature bar. My brother didn't like them, so I got all of his growing up.

Where it's Made - Seventy-five Apparel

Creth and Eddie of Seventy-five Apparel's Garage Studio

Where is your creative studio space?
Our creative studio space is in Eddie's garage in Richardson, Texas.

What do you make there?
We screen print t-shirts, wall art, and apparel.

What is your favorite item in your creative space?
Favorite item in our creative space is our stereo. Music makes the work easy.

Favorite Halloween candy?
Cotton candy?! I know you won't get cotton candy as you're trick or treating but you will get it at most Halloween parties and it's AMAZING!